Friday, May 3, 2019

(11) Sleep Process 1

Gather into your memory all the intentions that you have set for dreaming; what you want to cultivate in your dream life and likewise in your waking. No matter what these are, there are three specific intentions that we can establish first that will nourish all others. These precursor intentions are Biodiversity, Community, and Shapeshifting, each for the purpose of healing and transmutation of energy. As you are preparing yourself for sleep, shift your awareness from your headspace to the lower parts of your body; your stomach and abdomen, so that the subtle buzz of neural activity dies down in your headspace and lights up in your gut area. Making this shift in focus is the first step to tapping into your dream layer.

Now, imagine that you are standing in a circle of people holding hands. These are the people you wish to increase your connection to; your spiritual family. Feel their presence. Now imagine that you all become trees shaped like humans, still holding hands in a circle with roots going into the ground below and branches forming a canopy above (you may prefer to envision the trunk of your body/bodies as more of a hollow vine like structure rather than solid all the way through). Various birds are in the canopy, and a diverse variety of animals appear both on the ground and among the branches. In this way, you have woven all 3 intentions, biodiversity, community, and shapeshifting, into a single resonant image. Hold onto this image as you are falling asleep, because it is generating the energy that will support the fruition of your more specific intentions. 

In the center of the ring, create symbolic representations of your more specific intention, say for example abundance translated as a chalice of wine, or a fountain, or an old tree, or a combination of  all of those things. Your intention should be resonant with all those in the community, as all those in the circle are seeding this for the collective dream. Feel their desire for it as well. Hold this image for as long as you can until you fall asleep.

(10) The Sound of Lavender

Hold the color of lavender in the vision wells that flow up from each of your centers. Change everything that you see to this color, both in the external world, and the world’s within your daydreams. Doing so will help you establish the presence of this color in your awareness. Now allow yourself to translate the meaning of this color into sound. Listen to the sound associations that begin bubbling into this dimension. Listen to this music to coax it into existence.

 See yourself sitting in a meditative position in a field of lavender. Feel the movement of the sky and the breeze, mixed with the smell of the lavender plants and the Earth. Be still in this place and drink the silence. Now, see that you are holding in your hands a smooth stone that is also the hue of lavender. Imagine that there is a root extending down from your root chakra into the Earth below. It is thick and multi veined like a plant root. It is also the color lavender. Continue on to change your entire aura into this color, changing your eye color as well. Hold this all in place for a while, allowing it to become established. Once this is achieved, return your attention to the stone in your hands. Let it shift into a perfect sphere. The sphere now becomes the source of color translated into sound.

Go deep into this sound. Be with it as the shifting patterns and tones become clearer and clearer. Saturate the memories of your recent dreams with this sound. Saturate the visions of what you hope will soon be. Let these memories and visions be dissolved by the sound, leaving behind only a field of lavender.

Friday, April 26, 2019

(9) Prayer of Unraveling

You are walking through a dense forest when you come upon a stone wall; a temple overgrown with vegetation. Set in the wall is a door made of polished obsidian, such that you can see your whole reflection in the door. What do you see? What form do you take in your reflection? This can be a slightly fantastical or altered version of how you envision your true form.Looking at this reflection, you feel yourself become this form. But now, you dissolve it, both physically and energetically, and you can watch this process of disintegration playout in the mirror. What remains is an abstract form made of light and pure essence. It can be solid or ethereal or look like anything.

Now, return to your original form and open the door. When you open the door, it triggers the whole forest to dissolve into abstractness, but the door and the passage behind it remain, and you enter. You follow a stone corridor that leads to a large open courtyard at the center of the temple complex. There is a ritual fire going, and there are five others gathered there around the fire. Who are they? Overhead is the night sky, stars, and a full moon. Fixate on the moon and hear its resonance speak to you. Absorb this presence. Learn it. Be filled up by it.

Now, return your attention to the fire and fixate on its presence, as the others are doing. Release the presence of the moon into the fire as a steady ray of white light coming out of your navel. An orb of white moonlight, transparent and pure, emerges from your navel and follows the path of the light into the fire. The sphere merges with the fire, causing the flames to turn the hue of white moonlight. Looking into this fire you can see what is happening in the collective. Step into the white fire as a portal. Where does it take you?

(8) Exchange Game

Choirs sing in opulent caverns beneath your desire, and in hidden cathedrals, the living dust of what will always find its way to you holds the lasts vestiges of lost intention, until they gather enough time and wisdom to return to the surface. Waiting in these places of silent grandeur are the realizations of another life, where you are free to apply yourself to the things that truly restore you: sitting in silence, following the ephemeral paths worn in the canyons of our collective mind, wandering mazes in the gardens of the stars, and like the stars, allowing yourself an existence where you are free to just be, where the only purpose assigned to you is to be as vibrant as possible. But here, you cannot allow such an existence to take form, because you cannot get paid to unravel. Yet that is precisely what is most needed in your life and in the world at this time, and the bindings are beginning to loosen on their own, regardless of what you do.

Think of all the things you have learned to do that support your vitality and wellbeing, but you are limited in how much time and energy you can devote to these things. Your time and energy has to go into the things you can receive support for doing, or the things you receive no support for, but you do simply because they must be done. Now, imagine that the universe is paying you to do all the things that restore your vitality, but it is not paying you in money. Instead, you are being paid in the form of dreams and visions flowing into your awakening heart, and it is these dreams and visions that are giving rise to changes in the world around you.

Here is an exercise, a game to play with reality, designed to trigger your beliefs about giving and receiving, and a way to practice manifesting. For every time you put your time into a personal wellbeing practice such as meditation or yoga, or something fun like taking a walk, going for a swim, exploring a museum, or any kind of activity that adds value to your life experience, but that you can't get paid to do, ask the universe to compensate you through some other means. Ask to see something manifested in your reality in return for the positive energy that you have summoned into your awareness. In exchange for meditating, say that you expect to find new trees being planted in your town. In exchange for going on walks, say you expect to meet a new friend within the next week. In exchange for drawing an image of a buffalo on the sidewalk with chalk, say you expect to see news that a large company is doing more to help the planet. In exchange for visualizing golden particles flowing from your heart and into the hearts of those who are beginning to awaken, say you expect to see a friend make a major breakthrough in their personal life.

And when none of these things happen, imagine that it happened. As vividly as possible, imagine how it might have played out. Replay the sequence of moments you just went through and recast them, where they played out differently and you discovered what you had been waiting for.
Make a statement of what you expect to see manifested, then be on the lookout for it. Be in anticipation of its arrival. Doing this will help bring to the surface subconscious ideas about what forms of effort have value, what the infinite universe is willing to respond to, and how summoning more positive energy into your grounded in the moment life experience serves as a kind of fuel for manifestation.

(7) Sound is the Teacher

You are walking through a forest of redwoods. You stand before one and place a hand on its massive trunk. You speak to it, telling it of your efforts, what you have done, and what you expect to receive as a result. You feel its consciousness awaken and scan your being, uncovering your true beliefs. It shows you what you have actually done, and what you actually expect to receive as a result. It makes plain your exchange dynamic. It shows you what you think you have to do in order to have value, and for support to be delivered to you, and from what source. Now you see it is more complex and multilayered than you thought, like wading through a sunken maze in the backwater. In that maze, if you look closely, you may see tiny messages written on the walls, written by the other versions of you that have already died here; your true exchange dynamic written as questions: 

Who or what are the giving sources?
 What is given by the giving sources? 
What outcome or product is valued by the giving sources? 
What is valued in process/action/mode of effort by the giving sources? 
What causes you to not have value in the eyes of the giving sources?

You are drawn into this vision, seeing both what you say you know about your exchange blueprint, and what you actually feel. But now you feel from the tree unconditional giving  flowing into you as golden particles of sentience, saturating your cells, restoring you. Suddenly the equation for your exchange blueprint has become much simpler: you are either receiving or you are not receiving. There is nothing you have to do to create your value before you can receive. You exist, and that is enough. You are the universe incarnate, and heaven is the greater aspect of your greater self. Support flows to you through whatever blueprint you give your belief to, no matter how twisted. But you are always free to remember the simplest, truest blueprint; the unbreakable worth that your deep soul still knows. Now you seek only that which alchemizes your energy in the moment. That vibration which  meets you unconditionally where you are is the only force that can truly change you.

As you listen to this vision, you feel the music of the tree resonating through your deep dream, healing you. Sound will teach you how to receive. Sound reminds you of what it feels like to be moved. Held in the rhythm of this Earth song, imagine in as much detail as you can a life where you are supported unconditionally, without any effort on your part. How could such a life even work? What aspects of this idea do you find triggering, and what does that reveal? What aspects draw you deeper into the maze?

(6) Daydreaming

In the same way that you look to your dreams as indicators of what is brewing in your manifestation space, you should also keep tabs on your daydreams, and what is active in your imagination throughout the day. Give attention to the types of recurring narratives that play out during these moments of idle musing. Because the dream reality is of a higher frequency, it is more influential to the lower frequency realms downstream of it, such as the waking. The flow of energy begins in non physical, manifesting first in the dream frequency, and then echoing again in the waking frequency. 

Dreaming is closer to the source. It is the same way with the imaginal realities.Those which you access during waking via the imagination are also higher frequency compared to waking reality, and so exert a significant influence on it. So you must give special attention to what daydreams you are seeding during waking hours. Try to sense that you are always dreaming, not just while you are asleep. The less physical layer of your subconsciousness is always dreaming, but when you sleep, you shift your attention exclusively to that layer.  When you are awake you can still slip into a slightly altered state by listening to your imagination, and so get a peek at what is happening in your dream layer. Because the dream layer is the manifestation layer, it is good to check in on it throughout the day to see what is active there.

When you tap into your imagination, you may notice that you fixate on certain body regions, certain chakras, as if that is where your dreams are. For most people this is probably the headspace. Don't fixate on just one chakra region as the window to your imagination, but listen to the energies and visions emerging from the other centers as well. Be sure to daydream through all the chakras, as each one will present a slightly different voice and vision of what you are in the process of creating.
Keep taking these little peeks, these daydreams, and the more you use your imagination to open these little portals, the more energy flows into this world. Manifestation requires energy as fuel for the process. So the more consciousness energy you are summoning by activating your imagination, the more fuel your angelic counterparts have to make things happen. By stepping out into the twilight, you expand your capacity to change, and thus to create. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

(5) Increasing the Biodiversity of Your Dreams

    Assimilating the elemental, the essence of the natural world, into your vibration, is one of the most important things you can do to stabilize turbulence & imbalance in your personal energy. A useful way to assess your current level of immersion in natural energies is to look at the level of biodiversity in your dreams. How much natural presence is there? How often do you dream of animals? Do you dream more of the suburbs or the forest? What you dream of indicates what is on the way to manifestation, so based on this, we can set the intention to dream about thriving natural ecosystems, and a rich diversity of plants and animals. If we can achieve a higher level of dream biodiversity, we can anchor that preferred version of a restored Earth all the more.

    Imagine the days when you will wake up and remember having just dreamed about herds of buffalo or elephants, or dreamed about the giant redwoods, or the deep expanse of the rainforest, thriving reefs, and even cities that have been remade to harbor more green. The day you wake up and remember that dream, is the day you know you are finally starting to get on track.

   The elemental energy is assimilated by strengthening your empathic bonds to any form of natural consciousness, be it stones, plants, animals, elementals, stars and other celestial bodies, and the heart of the Earth itself. Learn to hear their voices and receive their messages. Enter into telepathic dialogue with them, regardless of where you are. You do not have to be physically among the whales in the ocean, or the trees in the forest, or the elephants or the buffalo beneath the sky, in order to interface with them. Your empathic connections are non physical and thus transcend spacetime. That being said, as you are laying in bed, drifting off to sleep, project out to them in this way, wherever they are, in whatever slice of reality. Imagine that you lay hands on them. Feel their physicalized currents, knowing them first on a purely sensory level, then after the sensory stage, start to open up the telepathic channel, and just listen, learning their unique voices. After that, you can begin a dialogue. You may even invite them to appear in your dreams as collaborators in manifesting environmental stability. Let this dialogue be the rhythm that lulls you to sleep.

> If dreams indicate what we are in the process of manifesting, then the level of biodiversity in our dreams reveals if we are moving toward environmental stability. By giving special attention to increasing the biodiversity or our dreams, we can accelerate the process of healing the Earth, as well as our own scars. <